Movie – Alien: A-

We decided to watch Alien immediately before going to Prometheus, and I recommend it. The movie definitely loses a bit of it’s poignancy once you are well aware of how it all “works”, but the ambiance and suspense are still noteworthy. It created a mythos I love, and defined what good science fiction horror should look like.

Movie – Paul: B+

I like the other Simon Pegg/Nick Frost buddy flicks and this one was similar thematically and structurally. I loved the subtle sci-fi references and some of the not-so-subtle ones too. Much of the humor was based on the tried and true rule of “cursing is funny” which is a rule to which I subscribe.  Unfortunately, the story starts in Comic-Con, which brought up recent personal frustrations.  But, of course, I’m not still harboring resentment at all…